Motto® 6-Pack Brand Workbooks Bundle

$530.00 $475.00

Transform your business and brand with our comprehensive 87-page worksheet bundle! Designed specifically for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and creative agencies, our bundle includes all the tools you need to take your brand to the next level.

Here are just a few of the key features:

  • (01) Purpose, Mission, Vision: Our 20-page PDF guide provides expert guidance on crafting inspiring PVM statements, complete with real-world examples.
  • (02) Identify Your Core Values: Our 20-page PDF worksheet helps solopreneurs and teams identify the 3-5 core values that are central to their brand's success.
  • (03) Discover Your Brand Archetype: Our 17-page PDF guide introduces you to the 12 primary brand archetypes and helps you choose the one that's right for your business.
  • (04) Write an Awesome Manifesto: Our 5-page PDF exercise includes a fill-in-the-blank template that will jumpstart your company's manifesto.
  • (05) Business Discovery Workbook: Our 17-page workbook includes an all-encompassing client questionnaire developed by the Motto® team to enhance your understanding of your client’s company. This indispensable tool is designed for freelance creatives and agencies to initiate projects successfully. 
    (06) Naming Workbook: Your ultimate companion in the journey of discovering a name that resonates with your brand's essence and captivates your audience. It's jam-packed with innovative exercises, expert tips, insightful strategies, naming frameworks, and insider trademark knowledge.

Transform your brand and take your business to the next level.